Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fix these Common Problems?

Thanks to my fellow blog readers for your comments on my last post. Here is another question for you. Should I fix these problems or move on? I have some folds that fold the wrong way on the back of my quilt and I had a little pucker. Should I get the pucker out and if I do the seams will not line up?


Tonya Ricucci said...

Are you making this quilt to be entered into a judged show? If not, move on. It's just not that big of a deal. You could come over and see all sorts of twisted seams and tiny puckers in my quilts. It happens. Stand back two feet and you won't even notice them.

Lori (A.K.A. Elkhoundmom) said...

Sometimes when I have a twisted seam, I clip it where it twists and press so the two sides will lay flat. As for puckers in the back, I ignore them!

Rian said...

I definitely fix these. You can snip them, however, if you don't want to un-sew.

Juryizstillout said...

Yeah, I "fix" them, too. But I'm anal, so don't listen to me.