Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Mirror, Mirror, Am I the Sloppiest of them All?

Am I the sloppiest quilter out there? I am stuck sewing my rows together because everything is not lining up perfectly. You can see from these log cabin blocks that there are straglers. Should I have trimmed all the blocks to size before sewing them? Even though I am so careful, I keep having problems like this.


il siciliano di francia said...


Tonya Ricucci said...

Hi, I was wandering through blogland and found you. Lovely pics of the quilt show.
You are hardly the sloppiest quilter out there. Why those pics is nothin'.

There are a couple of different ways to go with your quilting. Decide that you want everything perfect and trim all the blocks up to size every time OR decide you're doing this to have fun. Quilts have more life in them when they aren't perfectly constructed. Seams don't have to match, points don't have to be pointy. Quilts do NOT have to be perfect. Make them the way you want to, not the way someone has told you it has to be done (and hey, that includes me!) Great bright colors by the way.

Lori (A.K.A. Elkhoundmom) said...

I wouldn't worry about that amount of difference. I have done much worse! But with a log cabin or other blocks with no points at the edges, it is easy to measure the various blocks, choose an appropriate size, and trim. Trimming blocks can solve many problems!

Rian said...

If this bothers you, then cut your blocks a little large and trim them after sewing. Otherwise, this difference will disappear in the seam allowance. (Me? I'd have to trim them...)

Wonderful colors.

Samantha said...

You can trim or ease, but none of it looks like a huge problem. Love what you are doing with the Kaffes!